Use this dashboard to explore Massachusetts's labor market by city, town, and county. This data is maintained by the Department of Unemployment Assistance's Economic Research Department.
How racially diverse are residents in Massachusetts? This topic shows the demographic breakdown of residents by race/ethnicity and the increases in the Non-white population since 2010.
Interact with dashboards that illustrate probation in Massachusetts, including caseloads, administrative supervision, and data from Family and Probate Court. These dashboards are published by the Massachusetts Probation Service.
State energy statistics, including production, consumption, prices, and expenditures. This data is collected by the U.S. Energy Information Administration and hosted on its website.
View data that compares the Commonwealth’s actual spending to its budget. Dataset spans fiscal year 2005 to present. This data is published on CTHRU, a website managed by the Comptroller.
This dataset describes most Massachusetts state government revenues dating back to fiscal year 2021. Explore data by year or month, funding source, and source classification.