Population Health Information Tool , Bureau of Family Health and Nutrition
Find data on newborn hearing screening in Massachusetts. This dataset contains the number and percent of babies who did not pass the newborn hearing test in Massachusetts.
View data on funding that isn't part of the state's yearly budget. These include trusts, funds authorized by statue, and other sources of revenue, such as fees and donations. This data is published on CTHRU, a website managed by the Comptroller.
Information on employment and wages by occupation, for the state of Massachusetts, New England City and Town Statistical Areas (NECTA) and Workforce Development Areas (WDA).
A division of the Department of Labor Standards (DLS), the goals of the Occupational Safety and Health Statistics Program strives to protect workers in Massachusetts.
Employment and wage data by occupation for the state of Massachusetts and for each Workforce Development Area (WDA). Data include occupational employment, the major industries that employ the occupation, and hourly and annual mean, median, entry and experienced wages. This data is hosted on a website operated by the Department of Economic Research.